Day 6 of Hanukah

M&A had a good field trip today. I thought they were going to Glen Echo, but they told me today that they passed the White House en route, which means they didn't go anywhere near where I thought they were going. They saw a play about celebrations all over the world, and came home with questions about Kwanzaa that I really couldn't answer. They also made two little menorahs out of clay, which we "lit" tonight by putting yellow playdoh on the top of the candles to look like flames. 

Presents tonight: 2 Color Wonder coloring books, one butterfly kit where you order caterpillars and grow the butterflies at home (thank you DIscovery employee discount!), an I Spy board game, and two travel concentration-type games.

Tomorrow is the pajama party at their school. I am going to try to go for a bit.


1 comment

a says:

It sounds like the girls are having a great kindergarten experience. Those are great learning opportunities. They do things and go places my children’s classes never did when they were in kindergarten. M and A are also having a great time with so many Chanukah gifts. Lucky girls.
Aunt Ann

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