Daylight Savings Time

Today was a very long day – Daylight Savings Time added an hour, plus the girls didn’t nap, so it was a long day with a lot of activity. The girls made pancakes in the morning with Daddy, and Buppie stopped by for breakfast. Then, we went to the Kennedy Center for a family concert that had 2 violins, a viola, a flute, a contrabassoon, and three trombones. (45 minutes long – just my kind of concert.)

Then… biking in the park. Pizza place for dinner. Bath, books (T-Rex and Trick-or-Treating and Frog and Toad), brush teeth, and bed. Haven’t heard a peep since we put the girls down 10 minutes ago – that’s a record. I think they were beat.

I was very happy to see that Rachel is posting comments again on the blog (yes, that’s YOU Rachel, not a different Rachel!). Her comments are very cute and also quite entertaining – scroll through the last 8 posts or so and check out the comments. They are great and much appreciated. (And Sarah, thank you for your comment a week or so ago too – great hearing from you too!). Rachel, I totally understand if you can’t read the blog every day – I know that you are very busy with school and everything else you have going on. Just check in every now and again! Sarah AND Rachel – I saw the Halloween photos – they are great! I loved your costumes. And Uncle Jon as Hannah Montana is one of the funniest things I have ever seen!

Also a note on another comment: Ann – "Grampy and Nana" are Steve and Andrea W.

Blogworthy comment of the day: Daddy brought back 2 wooden camels from his trip. The girls were telling Buppie that he brought back an animal, and Buppie was guessing what kind it was. M said, "I’ll give you a hint – it’s a camel!"

Here’s a photo from today, taken in one of my favorite places in DC – the balcony off the Kennedy Center overlooking the Potomac and Roosevelt Island.



rachel says:

Dear Aunt Gayle
So cute! I remember going to that balcony! I think one time I went there with you Granmpy, Nana, Grandma Sandy, and my neigbor in washington cameel. That picture is a great shot. good work.
xoxoxoxoxoxo Rachel

Aunt Darrah says:

I totally forgot about the comments area, sorry! But I read the blog every day. It’s what I do instead of going to get coffee!

Anonymous says:

Can’t thank you enough for your entertaining blogs. I love every one of them. You, Dan, M and A are very special to me. The photos are wonderful keepsakes.

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