DC Theater Cafe

We were leafing through the program for Cinderella the other day and saw the upcoming Washington Ballet shows through 2014. One is called "The British Invasion" and is a ballet program set to the music of The Beatles and The Rolling Stones. M, not knowing the description of the program, said, "Oh, I would like to see 'The British Invasion' because I have been learning about the War of 1812!"

This is true; she has been learning about the War of 1812. Here's why:

Dear Third Grade Parents,

your kids might have informed you by now, the Third Graders have been
busy preparing for what has become a Lafayette rite of passage, the D.C.
Theater Cafe, to be held on May 22 and 23.

of the most important events of the 3rd grade experience, this event
showcases nearly a year's worth of learning, in a fun, energetic and
creative way. Over the course of two days and 10 performances, students
will perform in, and operate a full service cabaret-cafe for the entire
school (plus you, the parents, of course!).

as its name implies, the DC Theater Cafe traditionally highlights some
aspect of life in our city. This year, celebrating the recent
bicentennial, the theme is the War of 1812. Their performances at the DC
Theater Cafe will combine a Reader’s Theater about the war and songs
from the war.

3rd graders will take orders and serve food and drinks from a yummy
menu of selections, calculate each bill, make change using real cash
registers (without the aid of calculators!), and bus tables. While all
customers are enjoying their snack, the 3rd graders will perform on
stage. They will do all of this several times over the course of 2 days,
so that each and every Lafayette student, and all 3rd grade parents,
can attend. Every 3rd grader will perform on stage as well as help
operate the cafe.

the great Lafayette tradition of arts integration, the DC Theater Cafe
allows students to use math skills in a real-life setting, while also
incorporating their music, arts, reading, writing, and social studies
learning into one amazing event. They are working really hard to make
this event the huge success.

will be in touch soon about volunteer opportunities and how to get
involved with the cafe after spring break. The event is not possible
without your help.

Can't wait!

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