Deal Orientation Day

The girls had their Deal Orientation Day today. They both came out really excited about 6th grade. In their own words:

1. What are you most looking forward to at Deal this year?

A: 7th grade Math and Art. Everything.

M: Reading and Spanish.

2. What did you think of your teachers?

A: I loved them all.

M: They were really fun.

3. How did you like taking the bus?

A: It was really fun.

M: So fun and really cool.

4. Are you nervous about the new school year?

A: No.

M: A little bit.

5. How much homework are you expecting?

A: 1 hour if all the teachers give us homework.

M: A lot.

6. How great is your mom, who got you chandeliers for your locker today?

A: She's not good. She's amazing.

M: She's amazing.

7. What was the best part about today?

A: Meeting my teachers.

M: Meeting my teachers.

8. What did you think of the building?

A: It's super-big but I can't wait to get used to it.

M. It's like a private school.

9. Are you nervous about having lockers?

A: No.

M: Kind of, but it's so big that I am excited.

Daddy and I were impressed with Deal and the principal. I took the bus with the girls and Daddy met us there. Then the girls took the bus home and Daddy and I met them back at home. 

In other news, Daddy got a haircut today and had a long talk with his new colleague at Akin. His laundry from the trip is all washed and put away.

Thank you Grandma for a lovely dinner at her house tonight! She made three of the girls' favorites: pesto pasta, flank steak and Caesar salad.

Some pics:

Waiting for the bus:



 Lined up by homeroom: 

IMG_5202 2 


Girls are on Team Dakar:



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