Hello from California. I have been out here this weekend seeing A and attended her presents ceremony today for TriDelt. It was really fun – I got to see the house, meet some of her sisters and see her be presented as a TriDelt. Here are a few pics:

The girls in her house are impressive – interesting, outgoing, friendly and kind. I think she picked a great sorority. She will be living there next year – I am excited for her!

Poor A has a lab due tonight and she pulled an all-nighter last night. She’s asleep right now but I think I need to go wake her up.

Meanwhile, back at home, N has had a crazy and successful weekend!

He went to a regional quiz bowl competition in DC and THIS is what happened!

Seven GDS middle schoolers attended the International Academic Competitions (IAC) Washington, DC Regional Finals yesterday at Center City Public Charter Schools at Petworth Campus.  Each student competed in the History Bee, Geography Bee and/or Science Bee.  Unlike bowls, bees are individual events, so each student sat side-by-side with other students in the region and answered buzzer-based questions.  They supported each other and their opponents.  Every student showed tremendous sportsmanship and grace.  Please congratulate Paul Bloch-Prime, Nate Feldman, Jake Teitelbaum, Jason Saferstein, Max Badel, Oliver Elleithee, and Luca Goldenberg.  

Specifically, in the History Bee, Paul and Max won 1st and 2nd place, respectively, bringing home medals and qualifying for both Nationals in history and the International History Olympiad, which will be held in London in the summer of 2025.  Jason, Oliver, and Nate also qualified for Nationals in history.

In the Geography Bee, Nate won a 2nd place medal, and Nate, Jake and Paul qualified for Nationals in geography and for the International Geography Championships, which will be held in Vienna, Austria this July.  Max and Jason also qualified for Nationals in geography.

In the Science Bee, Paul brought home a second place medal, and Paul, Max, Jason and Nate all qualified for Nationals in science and for the International Environmental Science Olympiad, which will be held in Puerto Rico in December, 2024.  

Nationals for all subjects will be held this May in Orlando, Florida.  

A special thank you to high schoolers Lomahn Sun, Ben Hellman, and Haughton Neppl for helping train many of these students through the 360 program.  Congratulations, GDS Quizbowlers!

This means N qualified for NATIONALS in Orlando in science, geography and history, and INTERNATIONALS in Vienna in geography! We have some planning to do!

He also had a sleepover at Leo’s and hung out with Ayan and went to squash clinic today and pickleball with Dad on Friday. Busy boy!

Dad had Camp Nebagamon director interviews all weekend at home. The best news? H didn’t bark at anyone. He was such a good dog.

I return home tomorrow AM.