Dentist, Camp, Fairies and Kitchens

The girls' dentist visit went very well today. A has one very loose tooth and one kind-of loose tooth, and M has four slightly loose teeth. Their six year molars are coming in, and there is plenty of room for them in both mouths. Dr. Dana thinks that M's front teeth will be in by the end of 2010 – which seems very far away considering she's been without them for a year! Dr. Dana, who sees literally hundreds and hundreds of kids, had great things to say about M & A. A, who used to be very fearful at the dentist, was completely unfazed today. And M, who has been through so much – four fillings, two teeth extractions - is nothing but cheerful when she's there. Dr. Dana said both girls are "awesome" and even gave A a big kiss on the head. How cute is that?

Then they went to camp. When I picked them up, they said it was good today – and A even said "I love it". She retracted that tonight, though, and backtracked to "I like it a lot", when Daddy asked.

As far as we know, our kitchen is being dismantled tomorrow. Daddy and I spent most of tonight moving stuff to various places in the house. The next few weeks will be a bit disorienting, but at the end we should have a beautiful kitchen! I took the "before" photos this am and will post them later this week.

Here is a cute drawing that A did a few weeks ago, using a "how to draw fairies" book.



Sandra Schrut says:

That is the cutest drawing ever. I love the freckles!

a says:

M and A are such special girls. The Dentist visit went well and both seem to be doing great. They are such good sports and so brave.
Mommy, good luck with all the work in your kitchen. I’m sure it will be lovely when finished. Cousin Janice just went through all of that (it’s almost done).
Aunt Ann

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