Did It Go On The Blog?

There is a boy in M&A’s class that they historically haven’t been crazy about. We’ll name him "Eugene". Many days, they come home and say that Eugene was a bad boy. They say, "We like everyone in our class. But not Eugene."

Well, Eugene came to the birthday party and he was very well-behaved. On the way home from the party, M said, "You know what? I love Eugene now."

That was yesterday.

This morning, when I woke the girls up, M rolled over and said to me, "Mommy, did you write on the blog that I love Eugene now?"

Yes, M, I did now.

Tonight I painted the girls’ toenails. Each toe a different color, feet mirror images of each other, same pattern on each girl.




Anonymous says:

I congratulate the girls again on their fourth birthday. It sounds like they had a great celebration. Please give them each a hug and a kiss from me.

Aunt Darrah says:

Thanks for the birthday wishes and posting this great photo! We had so much fun with everyone this weekend!

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