Tonight, the girls put my iPod on shuffle and we did a lot of dancing in the house. Well, I broke off to make peppermint meringue cookies (which they said they wanted to help with), and they just kept dancing. Then they both put costumes on – M wore Sleeping Beauty and A wore the dinosaur she wore for Halloween 2007, and created a complicated “ballet” in which the dinosaur, who is actually a friendly dinosaur, rescues Sleeping Beauty from a fort by using its tail to open the lock. Then they get married. M asked A if she would go to Mommy’s bed with her to marry, and A said back, in an irritated voice, “We are already married. You can’t marry twice!”
Such cute, creative, smart and sweet girls! (No, I am not biased.)
Here are some videos I took of them dancing tonight. The second one is entertaining as the girls keep jockeying to be in the front. Watch M’s tricky under-A’s-arm move.