Disco Fever

We did many things tonight when I got home from work.


  • played with Tinkertoys
  • visited Sesame Workshop on the computer, where the girls are getting proficient with the touchpad and doubleclicking (tonight’s games: Super Grover Makes Rhymes and Big Bird Gets a Letter)
  • read a new book about ballet school
  • did a lot of dancing (see videos tomorrow)
  • made Mommy-M-A and A-Mommy-M and Mommy-A-M and A-M-Mommy sandwiches on the bed
  • had two babas
  • brushed teeth
  • hung out in in bed

The girls are sleeping in their sleeping bags, on their beds. So cute.

Two cute mispronunciations of M’s: flowver and schvetter for flower and sweater. (She’s having trouble with Ws).

Sometimes, M acts more like the mommy than the daughter. There is a song they learned in school that I like to sing back to them, but I always mispronounce something in it to make them laugh. (It’s a silly song that goes, "Bim Bam Bim Bam, Razzamatazzama, Tish Tosh Tish Tosh, Wally Ma-Roo"). Tonight, I kept singing the wrong sounds, and M finally said, "Here, Mommy. Sing it with me. Bim… Bam… You always do it right when we do it together." She also kept hugging and kissing me at bedtime, saying, "One more hug. Just one more kiss."

I am having technical difficulties with the videos I wanted to put here today… I will try tomorrow.

1 comment

Anonymous says:

M and A really love their mommy. We know mommy really loves them.
It shows in everything all of you do together.

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