Doctor Visit

M & A had their five year doctor's checkup today. All looks good! And the best news is – no shots. A, who had been upset since the moment she left school today (actually, for at least a week now), was VERY relieved that they didn't have to have any shots. It made for a much more pleasant visit. (Memories of the last visit's throat culture were in my mind the whole time – when A cried for about 40 minutes straight).

They also had a piano lesson from Buppie today. And at school, A was Plant Helper and M was Leader of the Day.

M says a lot of very grownup things, like, "Mommy, you won't believe how much I like these pajamas. I can't even tell you." She also says, when she sees me looking in the mirror, "Looking good!"


a says:

Indeed it is good news that M and A are doing fine and did not need a shot today. Best of all, they are both well. Lucky girls also had another piano lesson from Buppie. The girls had a good day, and that makes everyone happy.
Aunt Ann

a says:

It’s always good news when M and A did fine at their doctor’s visit, with no shots and no tears. How great that Buppie gave them another piano lesson. When the girls have a good day, everyone is happy.
Aunt Ann

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