Dog Door

We are nearing the end of a long week, which only felt like a long week, but was in fact a four-day week of which we are at day three. The girls are enjoying having, and doing, homework. Daddy asked me on Tuesday night if their homework was hard. I thought about it for a moment – "Not for me," I said.

Tonight we read a funny book that had a house with a dog door in it. I told the girls that our house had a dog door in it when we moved in. They were intrigued about what the house looked like before we lived in it, so I showed them some photos of the house before we did work on it. They liked the photos, especially of their bathroom, which had hideous wallpaper in it that we removed. M said she liked the wallpaper as it was and wished that we hadn't changed it.

M's tooth is getting a little bit more wiggly, but is still in.

The following are the foods that M won't eat in her lunchbox:

  • Anything with peanut butter
  • The kabobs she used to like (turkey, grape, cheese cube)
  • Any kind of cheese
  • Hardboiled egg
  • Chicken (though she may eat a chicken nugget)
  • Hot dog

It is making incorporating protein very difficult.

1 comment

a says:

It’s interesting to learn what foods children like and dislike. Lunch can be a problem when each child prefers different foods. Good luck with that. I’m glad to know that both M and A are enjoying school — and homework. Eventually that may change, but for now the girls seems to enjoy school and are happy.
Aunt Ann

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