
I am so happy that I have raised a boy who enjoys – nay, insists on – watching the MLB draft live on TV. Success!

2 Spanish exams done.

M is up taking practice math tests and A is pretty much done studying for English. She has 20 vocab words like pernicious, augment, poultice, baleful and choler.

We got this note from N's teacher today:

Nate scored a 49 at the beginning of the year on his math test. When he took the test last week, he scored a 98! Here is what he missed: on the last page they were asked to measure pictures with centimeter cubes, the answer was 6cm, Nate wrote 5cm. However, he was able to measure the other 2 pictures correctly!

Nate scored a 1.6 at the beginning of the year on his writing assessment. When he took the assessment last week, he scored a 3.3! Here are some things he was really good at having in his story: beginning with characters and the setting, middle with a very obvious and logical problem, and an ending with a practical solution. He is great a remembering to add in periods at the end of sentences, uppercase letters where needed and spelling words appropriately for a first grader. He is also able to write complete sentences. To enhance his writing, he could add in more details and/or dialogue–tell the emotions of characters, use more adjective to describe the characters and setting, etc.–and adding in some sequencing/transitioning words, like first, next, then, suddenly, finally, last. He has met the first grade standards in writing and is writing on grade level. 

And we got this note from N's kindergarten teacher today:

I've been meaning to reach out and ask if you've made a decision about where Nate will be for the next school year?

He's been on my mind and I haven't seen him for awhile, so just wanted to check-in. If he is moving onto another school I'd love to see him sometime this summer when feasible.

Hope you've had a fantastic school year with Nate, Maddie and Alexa!

We lucked out with teachers!

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