Drama, Drama

Long day today… girls woke up early… we hung out at home for a few hours… then to the playground for scooter/bike riding… then to the drugstore for water because it was too hot… then to the bookstore (a few books for the trip and two new puzzles)… then home for lunch… then nap… then to the Beauvoir pool… then swimming… then to the playground… then to the pizza place… then home… then to walk Allie… then books… baba… brush teeth… and bed.

I am beat! Daddy went to a birthday party in NY today so it’s been just us girls. A has been very dramatic. She dropped a bit of her popsicle after dinner tonight, and then spent the next 20 minutes saying, "This was not a fun day. I do not have fun days, no times. I don’t want to do anything anymore." There are many other similar examples.


Here are the two new puzzles:

Mcp_eloise Mc_lillybigday

1 comment

Anonymous says:

Mommy, I really admire you so much for the patience it takes to raise your children — especially since they are twins. I had some difficult times raising my children one at a time, but you are an amazing mom. M and A will someday appreciate how wonderful their mom is and all she does for them. I send love to all of you.
Aunt Ann

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