Dress-up Bears

I was away last night for work. When I got home, M wanted to know a lot of specifics about the train – how long it was, how many cars, how many people, what color. M also wanted to know what I had for breakfast today and what my friend Lisa was wearing today (the last time M saw Lisa, Lisa was wearing yellow). A was much less interested in hearing the details about the trip.

The girls didn’t nap today and were quite cranky tonight. When we do decide to give up the nap, they have to go to bed earlier!

M asked tonight if tadpoles like becoming frogs and if caterpillars are sad when they become butterflies. The answer is, I don’t know!

When I got home the girls had dressed up two of their stuffed bears in their clothes. Of course, the first thought I had was, "Are those clothes so dirty now that I am going to have to wash them, or can the girls wear them once I take them off the bears?" My second thought was, "How cute that the girls are dressing their animals – that must be an important developmental step, in which they acknowledge care of another rather than just of themselves."

Here are some pictures of M and her dressed-up bear. A wouldn’t let me take a picture of hers. Did I mention that she was cranky tonight?

Bear1 Bear2