Dress-Up Day and Dogwalk

I definitely think I am going overboard on the lunches. Today M complained because her lunch box was too heavy.

Today was Dress Up Day at camp. The girls were to dress as what they will be when they grow up. They both picked ballerinas. Of course, they wore princess dresses and looked like princesses, and I had to correct about 4 people as we walked into camp who said, "Look at the princesses!" God forbid anyone think that that's what they want to be when they grow up. As I always say, a princess is a woman with low ambition.

Here are some pics from Dress Up Day:

Dressup1 Dressup2

Tonight after work the girls came with me to walk Allie. They both did an excellent job. M held the leash first. I warned her that Allie sometimes takes off very quickly down the steps, and tonight was no exception. Allie bounded down the steps and almost took M with her. But M held on tightly, tripped a little, but maintained her balance and kept Allie under control. I was so proud of her, and so was she. She didn't cry – she was so happy with how well she kept Allie on the leash. A, meanwhile, likes to get Allie untangled whenever the leash gets tangled around her legs. She calls herself "Allie's trainer". And she does a great job at it! She's very gentle with Allie and coaxes her to move her leg, etc. All in all, a very successful walk after a rocky start. Here's a picture of the girls walking Allie (who was peeing).


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