Hard to believe it, but we had a 5.9 earthquake here in DC today. It was a beautiful clear day here, and at 1:50 PM, the quake hit. Not much damage, but my work was evacuated and lots of other offices were too. The girls had to leave the building at school, but then they returned and stayed until the normal dismissal time.
So it was kind of an odd day. I was home by 3:45 and worked from home the rest of the day. Then the girls and I went to Grandma Sandy's and had dinner with her and Sarah and Rachel. I regaled them with stories about funny things Uncle Jonathan did when we were little. I was laughing so hard that I was crying, on several occasions.
I'm still having a hard time with jet lag and keep falling asleep around 9:30 PM. It is killing my productivity!
Day 2 of school seemed to be uneventful. I hardly heard anything about it today.
More tomorrow, when hopefully the ground will not move!
I’m so grateful to know that all of you are well and that the earthquake did little harm. We, here in the West, are so used to them that we give them little thought. Stay well.
Aunt Ann
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