End of an Experiment

So, I’m a sucker. Tonight, I told the girls they could sleep in my bed again. Daddy is gone for a few nights and I thought it would be fun for them. They’ve been asking every night since Friday whether they could sleep in my bed, so I relented.

Well, as Daddy would say, the bloom is off the rose on sleeping in my bed.

It started out OK, but I ended up going upstairs about 6 times to find Baby, take A to the potty, tell them to be quiet, get M a tissue, convince A to get back in the bed (she wanted the door open and I guess M closed it), etc. This took about an hour. Finally, M decided she wanted to go back into her own bed.  So they went back in their own beds. Then M started crying because she wanted the Hello Kitty doll (baby Hella) in her bed. A was happy to give it to M, but M wanted me to come and get it from A and hand it to her. Needless to say, my patience was worn thin at this point. (Context: I am on 4 hours of sleep).

So, after many tears and a time-out for M, which entailed sitting on the couch while I wrote my book blog, they are now both in their beds, quiet and presumably on their way to being asleep.


1 comment

Anonymous says:

Poor you, Gayle. I don’t know how you do it all: care for the girls, care for all household needs, care for the girls, work, care for the girls, and all without much sleep. You must be a saint.
Love and admiration,

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