End of the Year Classwork

There is a lot of cute classwork and projects coming home from school this week, as the teachers clean out the classrooms in anticipation of the last day of school. (The real last day is Monday, with a half-day added on because of a snow day, but for all intents and purposes the last day is this Friday.)

I keep all the girls' homework in individual binders so that they can look over their progress from the year. I am a little behind – maybe back to Spring Break or earlier – so I have some collating and hole-punching to do. I'm waiting for the final onslaught so that I can do it all at once.

Here is some cute homework that M brought home this week (I have no idea why the swimming one came up black and white):



Lots going on this week. Last night was the final Daisy Troop Potluck Dinner. Yesterday was class parties in both classrooms. It's also Spirit Week. Thankfully, we are all done with homework for the year!

Update on sleeping arrangements: Tuesday night, the girls decided my room was too hot and slept in their own rooms. I didn't realize this, though, and fell askeep on the couch downstairs until 6 AM, when I tiptoed upstairs, only to find an empty bed. Last night, I came upstairs pretty late. Both girls were in bed, but in the dark, I had their positions reversed. Finally, I figured out who was who. (I should have realized that M was M because she was sleeping horizontally across the bed!). Allie came up sometime in the night and snuggled next to A for the rest of the night, which undoubtedly made them both very happy. I woke up at 6 AM to M crawling around me looking for Baby. She said, "I was being very quiet so I wouldn't wake you up!"

I'm sure they will sleep in my bed one more night, til Daddy comes home tomorrow.


1 comment

a says:

The end of a school year is always a little sad. On the other hand M and A have all summer to play and have fun. I wish them the best.
Aunt Ann

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