Erev Alice

M & A been playing a math game online where they accrue points by playing games that require them to answer math problems. M has gotten very competitive and wants to catch up to the other players in her class, although she started playing a lot later than they did and has gotten almost impossibly behind. But she wanted to get as many points as she could before the cutoff date, which was today at 8:30 AM. So she played last night after we got home from rehearsal, and she woke up at 4:15 (!) AM to keep playing this morning. Daddy told her she had to go back to sleep, so she woke up at 6:15, got dressed by herself, and came out of her room all ready to play. Sadly, the internet was down, so she didn't get online til about 7. But then she played til 8:30. She ended up in 11th or 12th place, which means she is precluded from this Friday's pizza party honoring the top 10. We are very proud of how hard she worked on the problems. A also really enjoys the game but she realized she was too far from the top to catch up, so she sort of moved on.

The girls had rehearsal tonight from 6-7 and then had a break and then went onstage for another rehearsal. They were on the stage at the Eisenhower theater, which was fun for them. A said that backstage is very small.

It is almost 10 and they are finishing their homework for tomorrow. Both girls have beautiful buns in that Imogene made.

Thank you to Grandma Sandy for chauffering the girls down to the Kennedy Center in terrible traffic this afternoon. They were on time. 🙂

I am so excited for their first performance tomorrow!!!


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