Erev A’s Return

Here is the update on our amazing kids:

1) M went back to the bunk today. I got a call from the CL doctor that she woke up fever-free and was able to resume normal activities. Yay!! 2 more full days of camp until she's home!

2) A stayed up til all hours working on a script that her group filmed today. She said that this AM everyone was reading it and laughing, but then she said it didn't go as planned when they filmed it. I will get to see it tomorrow when I go up to NY to get her! Tonight is her last night and then she will go home tomorrow after the parent performance.

3) N had a pretty quiet day at home. I think he spent some of it watching yesterday's Orioles – Yankees game. He also had a good piano lesson! Tonight, Imogene and Nate and I had dinner on the deck, and then I took N to Sarah's Handmade for ice cream. My colleague Steve's daughter Evie served us and N had three samples (salted caramel, rainbow sherbet and M&M) before settling on M&M ice cream. While there, we ran into N's best friend from pre-school named Miles. N, Miles and Carter were quite the threesome at TSNS. Today, they had no recollection of each other. So sad. We had actually just been looking at pics from TSNS so Miles' name came up just this week.

Tomorrow I will bus up to NYC and then A and I are taking the train home. We'll get home after midnight. So excited to have A back at home tomorrow!!!!

Ok. Late and time for bed. A few pics from the CL site today – I think these are from AFTER the fever:

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