Erev First Day Of School

Tomorrow is the first day of school!

Backpacks are packed.
Supplies are organized.
Rooms are clean (this is a big deal!).
Clothes are clean and folded.
Alarms are set (I think.)
Homemade muffins are baked.
Signs for tomorrow's photos are printed.

We're ready.

N is taking the bus for the first time tomorrow. It is a long ride – about 30 minutes – and his is the third of about 10 stops. I don't know if there will be other kids getting on before him. We'll find out tomorrow. He's being a great sport about going to a new school, new routines, new teachers, new kids. He had 2 kids over from his grade this AM, so at least he'll know two kids on the playground.

M&A have their schedules (M's is a bit in flux) and both have sports tomorrow and the rest of the week. They know so much more than they did last year!

A has been doing lots of Tik Tok-ing and is getting lots of views on her amazing piano montage videos. They are amazing. And this very influential guy posted a challenge for someone to learn a piece that he played on the piano, and A was the one who learned it! Also amazing.

To commemorate the end of summer, we went to one of the worst Nats games in recent memory. It was sweltering, we were surrounded by Mets fans, and we didn't even score until the bottom of the 9th inning (when we had already left). On the plus side, we had some great seats in our usual section plus 2 seats that we bought from scalpers outside the stadium. Best seats I've had in Nats Park except for when we were 2 rows closer up for the CWS game. Too bad the game was such a bust. A was spared the fun – she had friends over to swim instead.

N doing Baby Shark:








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