Erev First Day of School

We are back in DC! We got home last night after a long, long drive. Next time we go to SC I think we have to fly. Either that or find a way to bypass the whole state of VA.

So today was spent unpacking and putting everything away. We were pretty much already prepared for school tomorrow – the supplies are already in the girls' backpacks, the summer project was finished before we left for SC, and we've bought the necessities – new leotards and ballet slippers, cleats, socks, underwear. New clothes will come later this season when the sales start. 🙂

Today the girls had playdates with girls in their class that they didn't know too well, but who they think they could be friends with this year. Annelise came over here and she and M talked a lot about softball and watched an inning or two of the Nats game, and A went to Agnes' house where she entertained her three sisters with ballet and piano and went swimming. Both were successful dates. Yay!

Tonight we ordered in – Chinese food – and Grandma joined us for the last dinner of the summer. 

We are really working on getting the girls to bed earlier this year, and out the door earlier in the morning. Let's see if it sticks!

I got this email from M today after I forwarded her a welcome back email from religious school. I LOVE her emails. Who wouldn't love getting emails like this?

I counted that there are 9 days where we don't have Chug Ivrit on Thursdays, and 7 days where we're going to miss Sunday School. We're probably going to miss more Sunday Schools because of ballet. I was wondering if we could miss the Chug Ivrit on me and Alexa's birthday. Also, there is a new rabbi named Rabbi Rosenwasser! Red water!!! Lastly, did you see that the sixth graders at Temple Sinai are going to see Fiddler on the Roof at Arena Stage?! That is not fair, compared to our stupid farm field trip. Ugh. I'm upset.frown Also. I did purple text just for you.

Here are a few more pics from my iPhone from the trip:








Will try to get pics off the camera tomorrow.

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