Erev Halloween

I am back! I was in Vegas for a few days last week but I am back. Life is hectic at home but all is OK. Dad left today for over two weeks in Glasgow. That is a long time to be gone!

The girls have a combined 7 applications due on Monday. That is a lot!

And tomorrow is Halloween! N went to a haunted house last night with Cole and Ayan at the Women's Club in Chevy Chase. It was very scary and N didn't like it very much. But then he went to Cole's and had McDs for dinner, played video games, watched YouTube and played Blookit. So that was a good night for him. Tomorrow night we are going to go trick or treating with Ayan and some other friends.

Tonight M and N are at Halloween parties and have dressed up. M is wearing a sexy witch costume, as are her friends, and A is dressed up as Darla from Scooby Doo. Here she is with Charlotte:



Here is who she is dressed as:


One of her friends is bringing a scarf for her to the party tonight.

Before he left, Dad and N emptied out two of the big pumpkins. N and I will carve them tomorrow.






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