Erev OBX

Every year, when I am unpacking at the beach, I vow that next year will be different: I won't bring a ton of separate bags full of things. I will consolidate, and bring larger bags and less stuff.

And every year, I bring a ton of separate bags full of things.

Such as:

1) duffle bag of towels

2) bag of books (mine and the girls')

3) bag of crafts, markers, paper

4) bag of electonics and associated chargers

5) bag of DVDs for the road and for the house

6) several bags of food, most bought at Trader Joe's today

7) beach bag with beach toys

8) bags containing the pop up tent and tunnel system that the girls love to play with at the beach

9) bag of my and Dan's clothes

10) bag of the girls' clothes

11) bag of assorted shoes, mostly Daddy's

12) bags of things for the house (paper towel, etc.)

13) bags of snacks for the car

14) bag of Allie's food and bowls and medicine

15) bag of board games

16) bag of toiletries, mostly girls', and things like nightlight and monitor

17) bag of poop bags

18) bag o'kite

19) bag o'beach umbrella

I am sure there are several others, but they are all lined up by the door downstairs and I don't feel like going back down to investigate. It's 11:49 and I am trying to get this post up by midnight.

Have a wonderful week, everyone! We'll be back on the 20th.

1 comment

a says:

This is a wonderful blog. I think you may need a vacation AFTER your vacation just to unwrap and unpack everything. I hope you, daddy, M and A have a most wonderful time.
Aunt Ann

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