Erev Snow

Thank you to Buppie for a lovely and delicious dinner tonight. We celebrated the last night of Hanukah, lit the lights, opened presents, etc. Debbie and Bob were there too, as well as Rona and Allan and Stu. It was a very nice evening. Thank you also to Debbie for the fun and challenging ballerina jigsaw puzzle!

We have a big snowstorm on its way tonight. "One for the record books," they are saying. We are planning an activity-filled indoor day tomorrow. I should have lots of time to blog!

The theme of the week: tired.


Debbie Wager says:

Gayle: It was wonderful to be with you and Dan and the girls — who are SO adorable, and well-behaved. What a pleasure!I also enjoyed their piano progress!!

a says:

It’s so nice that you could enjoy the last night of Chanukah with Grandma Sandy and some friends. I hope all of you stay warm and cozy in the terrible weather hitting the North East. Love to all of you.
Aunt Ann

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