Erev YK

Tonight is erev Yom Kippur. We had a pasta dinner here and then Daddy and Grandma went to Kol Nidre services and the rest of us stayed home. A has been throwing up since school got out this afternoon so she's not doing so well. We'll see how she is tomorrow.

We got a nice email from Mrs. Fye, N's teacher yesterday. I have to include one paragraph here:

I have to say, Nate is an incredibly hard worker and very helpful in the classroom. His calm demeanor and generally positive temperament are really a breath of fresh air. He's definitely one of the students in the classroom that I can always count on to help me out with various tasks and to generally be a positive influence on the other students around him. He is honestly a pleasure to have in class. 

We knew all that already, but it was great to hear!

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