
We got some nice end-of-the-year evaluations of the girls from Sunday School and ballet class. Here they are:


A has a wonderful attitude in class; positive and enthusiastic. She has become stronger and has improved in her technique due to her hard work. I hope she continues to enjoy dancing!

M is a very good student and a pleasure to have in class. She has a good work ethic and a positive attitude. Her calm focus and attention have helped her improve this year in her ballet technique. Keep up the good work!

Sunday School:

A has been a lovely member of my class this year. She interacts well with her peers, engages fully in class activities and discussions, and always seems to be smiling.  I look forward to seeing how she continues to grow into her Jewish identity.

M has been such a joy to have in class this year!  She has a positive and cheerful nature, was always engaged in classroom activities, and willing to help her peers.  Additionally, she was always respectful and polite.  I know that she will continue to excel.

The girls had a very social day today – they had a sleepover at Emily's house last night, then came home (with Emily) and all went to a playdate at Natalie's house. It was nice to have some quiet at home today – I feel like we got some things done at home (bills, computer, etc.) and Imogene was able to clean. We were happy when the girls came home, though. They've been very entertaining tonight, and all over N. N, meanwhile, has slept a ton today. A ton.

Tonight we have a night nurse here – the same one we hired when the girls were born. She couldn't believe how big they are! It has been 8 years since we've seen her – very hard to believe. Hopefully we will get a nice long sleep tonight. I will wake up to pump and that's it. Signing off!

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