Exciting Developments!!!

After much pressure and cajoling, A has joined a soccer team! She is playing on the Lafayette team with a bunch of her friends and went to her first practice today. She liked it and is going to join for the season. Here is what one of the coaches said about her today:

Yeah, she was aggressive, dribbled the ball well, and scored a couple of
goals in some 2-on-2 drills we were running. I'd say her skill level is
right about average for the group, which is pretty impressive given
that this was her first time out.

I am so excited to go to her game tomorrow!

And M started out on the Orioles today, her new baseball team, with a new coach. He is quite a personality and I know that she is going to learn a lot from him. Her first game is tomorrow and Daddy is going to take her. Her jersey is orange  – yay! – and I know that her coach likes her because he ensured that she got her favorite number, 7.

SUCH CUTE GIRLS and so athletic and coordinated!

In addition to rainbow loom and our latest jigsaw puzzle (the button puzzle), the girls also like doing these pillow projects. They've now done three of them:






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