Fall Festival

We had a fun day today. Ballet this morning, then home to hang out and watch the Project Runway semi-final before lunch. Then to the Lafayette Fall Festival, and then to Nutcracker rehearsal. The girls found out today that they are in the Ruby cast. I still don't have our performance dates.

At the Fall Festival, the girls played a number of games: Football Toss (M did it and got the ball through the hole in the third try); Witches' Cauldron (the girls did it twice and got lots of loot); and Toilet Paper Toss (both girls did it once and threw the toilet paper into the toilet). We also did a new thing called the Tennis Ball Can. You spend $3 and get a wrapped tennis ball can filled with plastic junk from other people's houses. Yay! It was so fun watching them go through the cans at home tonight and decide what to keep and what to throw away. Things they kept: little game book, necklace, Hello Kitty ball maze, spider ring, purple balloon, mini ball-and-paddle game, hackey sack, assorted candy. Things they threw out: toy soldier, Strawberry Shortcake doll and mirror, Hello Kitty sticker, little figurine that a boy would like, plastic skeleton ring.

We went through the 5th graders' haunted house, which I thought was very well done. They asked beforehand if we wanted "scary" or "terrifying", and we decided something in between. Both girls held my hand tightly as we went through it, though later they claimed they weren't scared. We topped off the Fall Festival with a cupcake for me and 2 large cookies for the girls. Lots of fun.

Daddy came home this evening and met us at ballet right before rehearsal. Yay! Tonight we're just hanging at home.

Here is a picture of something else A kept from her can – Groucho Marx glasses:


Here also, because I just found it on my phone, is an obstacle course/maze that the girls built from chairs, pillows and pillow pets right before Lucky came to live with us. They loved it.


The girls have been having a lot of fun together this weekend.

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