Fictionistas Meeting

After school today, we had a meeting of the Fictionistas here at the house. For over 2 hours, I quizzed the girls on the five books they have to know for the Battle of the Books in 2 weeks: The World According to Humphrey, Sign of the Beaver, Who Was Milton Hershey?, The Year Down Yonder, and Hank the Cowdog. They still have some work to do, but I was impressed with how much the girls remembered and how many details they were able to provide when asked. 

Little N LOVED have FIVE girls in the house to play with. When he had to go upstairs so that we could get to business, he was very unhappy and cried and cried. We had to entice him upstairs with "Cat Hat" to distract him from what was going on downstairs. When he came downstairs later, he said "Cat Hat Done". SO CUTE.

Poor Anton – he called during the meeting, and everyone asked, "Why does Anton keep calling here? What does he want to talk about?" They were very surprised and weirded out by the whole thing!

We also did work tonight on the animal projects for the state report. We ordered A a moose animal from Amazon, and it arrived today and immediately was put to use by A.





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