Field Trip

I went with the girls this morning on their field trip to the Natural History Museum. Can I just say this? It was EXHAUSTING. I can't explain why, but it really took it out of me. Wow. We went down to the museum via school bus, saw a Native American dance show, ate bag lunches on the Mall, spent another 30 minutes walking around the museum, and came back to the school via the school bus. Sounds simple, right? Something about being around that many kids, and being responsible for 4 of them, was totally draining. I could hardly keep track of all 4, and two of them were mine! Pathetic.

In my opinion, the dance performance wasn't that interesting. Very loud, but not interesting. The best part of the day was spending time with M & A and seeing them in their element. It was so cute. A got fussy, though, for much of the day, sulking and complaining. I actually asked her teacher if she gets fussy at school, and she said that she has never heard A once complain or whine, ever. So I guess it's good – she saves that behavior for home!

I took some photos but haven't uploaded from the camera yet (note aforementioned exhaustion). But here is one I took on my phone, of lunch on the mall:


And here are some of the beautiful pictures that my friend Ben took of the girls (and me) on Roosevelt Island on Sunday:








1 comment

a says:

The pictures are wonderful. All of you look terrific. I can understand how tiring the field trip was. A looks adorable, and M is so cute without her front teeth. Both are very beautiful — like their mother.
Aunt Ann

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