Field Trip Tuesday

Despite a rainy and chilly day, the girls had a good time on their field trip to the museum/plantation (I am still not sure exactly where they went). They said that the best part was where they got to make butter. I am just glad they made it back in one piece – those school buses make me nervous.

Tonight "we" did the papermaking kit (and by "we" I mean "I"). The girls watched 2 performers on American Idol too. Both were curious why Adam Lambert wanted to dress like a girl, and M said she didn't want to be a judge on AI because she wouldn't want people booing her.

Inchy apparently made it through the day – all the way til dinner – and then disappeared. A took it pretty well.

The girls were OK this morning. There may not have been tears – I can't remember – but there were defnitely moments when I was very frustrated with the dawdling.

Tomorrow I leave for LA for a night, back on a redeye Thursday night. Quick trip!

1 comment

a says:

The girls’ field trip sounds like fun for them. Making butter is quite an experience. M and A seem to have the best of all worlds. Little Inchy may be in a better place.
Aunt Ann

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