First Day of Holton Camp

Today was the first day of Holton Camp! All went well. The girls liked their classes a lot. A said that her favorites are Hollywood Film Production and and Cheerleading (even though she said on Friday she didn't think she would like HFP). M's least favorites are Archery and Silk Screening because she isn't crazy about the instructors, but she doesn't want to switch classes because she wants to learn archery and silk screening!

Grandma Sandy drives right by the bus dropoff in the morning on her way to exercise, so she took the girls this morning and will do it again tomorrow. Thank you Grandma Sandy!

Here are some pics from this morning:



And now some updates on the boy. It turns out that he is as brilliant as his sisters. Here are some things he is doing:

  • When we read Dear Zoo to him, we hiss at the snake page. Now he does too! He doesn't know how to hiss and instead makes raspberries, but it's definitely a pattern. And downstairs tonight without the book in front of me, I said something about snakes and hissed, and he made the raspberry! So he's making that connection.
  • The last page of Dear Zoo has a dog, and when I got to that page tonight, he made the "dog" sound (which sounds like "uck"). Also when I gave him a toy car tonight to distract him during a diaper change, he said "ca".
  • He figured out how to pull a pull-string on a soft book, triggering vibration. He was very good at grasping at the string and repositioning his hand to make it easier for him to grasp it.

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