So much going on over the last two days.
As I mentioned in Saturday's post, Allie wasn't doing too well when we got home. She got worse Saturday night. She didn't sleep at all, couldn't get comfortable, and was breathing very rapidly and loudly. She tossed around all night, and I debated bringing her to the vet. Finally, at 5AM, it was so bad that I couldn't wait any more.
I was very worried on Sunday morning that I was going to be coming home alone. I had the whole euthanasia talk with the vet, and she said that if Allie's blood work didn't come back normal, that we really had to think about putting her down. 🙁
Luckily, the blood work was normal. So the vet did a lung tap that drained the fluid from Allie's lungs, and she was much more comfortable afterwards. Phew. It's a temporary solution, but it has bought us more time. I am very grateful. She's doing better now – more like herself. I have no delusions that this will be a magic cure, but I am glad that she's comfortable.
Yesterday was an emotional and exhausting day. The one bright spot was dinner at Nana and Grampy's with Sarah, Rachel and Emily too. We had a very fun time and it was a nice way to end the day,
Today was the first day of school! It went very well. We dropped the girls off in the morning, saw their rooms, and met their teachers. The girls reported back this afternoon and tonight that they had a great day.
M said:
- Her teacher is very nice. She got a haircut over the summer, and it's much shorter, and M feels like her teacher looks more like her teacher's mother now!
- M visited her teacher from last year, who was MUCH nicer today than she was last year!
- M's folder is yellow this year and there are forms I need to sign.
- There are ALL boys at her table.
- M's teacher has 2 turtles and is bringing in her pet snake!
- She liked her lunch, didn't eat the turkey, and didn't eat the Mars bar I packed because she didn't feel like she wanted to.
A said:
- Her teacher is nice and very funny. She said 5 funny things today.
- She didn't like the first table she was assigned to, but she was moved to a new table which she is much happier with.
- A's teacher supposedly gives less homework than other 2d grade teachers.
- She liked her lunch, including the new veggie and dip I packed.
Here are some pics from this morning:
Glad the vet was able to help Allie – sorry it’s been a tough few days.
Happy first day of school to M & A. Can’t believe it’s already time for that again!
I hope M and A enjoy the new school year. I’m glad Allie is feeling a bit better. The pictures are great.
Aunt Ann
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