First Day of School

The first day of school was a big success. When I talked to A after school, she said "It was so great! The teacher was so nice, and the class is so nice too." She was thrilled. M likes her teacher too, and made some friends in her class. Her one complaint was that she doesn't like where she is sitting, because she thinks the teacher doesn't pay attention to her there. Oh well. I am sure they will rotate desks. All in all, it was a very smooth transition to first grade. They ate the lunches that I packed, and A showed the dog she made at arts camp for her "summer remembrance". M brought her horse but didn't get to show it today, so it is still at school. One of my favorite memories of today was as we were leaving the classroom, looking over and seeing A's adorable cardboard dog displayed proudly on her desk. SO CUTE.

Some pics from the first day of school:

1st School 002

1st School 012

1st School 022


1 comment

a says:

I’m so proud of M and A. Of course I knew they would do well in school, and I’m sure the teachers will soon find out how lucky they are to have such great students in their classes.
Lots of love,
Aunt Ann

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