First Day of School and Eclipse Day

Three successful starts to the school year!

M&A headed out this morning around 8. Daddy drove them to school because they had a lot of stuff to carry. Thanks to DCPS ineptitude, they didn't get to meet two of their teachers yet, but apparently they are going to be pretty good. Their English teacher sounds like a character, but someone who is very passionate about teaching, and both girls liked their Spanish and History teachers. 

I am happy that both M&A cleaned off their desks tonight!

N had a good start to the year too. He says he likes his teacher, who is very nice, and was happy to see a few pre-K pals in his class. 

It was also Eclipse Day! Sounds like everyone saw it, though I didn't get much info from N about it. I saw it too – very cool.

Here is our first-day-of-school photo:



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