First Day of Summer Vacation

The first day of summer vacation was a rainy one. The girls hung out at home most of the day doing craft projects and playing games. This afternoon I took them to a make-up gymnastics class at Silver Stars since we are missing tomorrow's class for Buppie's party. It was a good class, and an added treat was that we saw Hannah and Andrew there too.

For the second night in a row the girls took a bath in our big bathtub, which can only be filled up about a half a foot before we run out of hot water. Regardless, they love having a bath in there. I think the rule will be that they only have a bath in that bathtub when I am home. The other two rules are: 1) they cannot turn on the jets, because it freaks everyone out since the jets are barely covered by the water level and water goes everywhere, including all over Mommy; and 2) they must come close enough to the side that I can wash their hair without having to lean way into the tub. They've been playing lots of imaginative games in the tub and hanging out in there a lot. Also, they love-a the squirt guns.

Tomorrow is Buppie's party. Beforehand, we are taking the girls to audition at the Washington School of Ballet. I am ambivalent about this, because, well, they are FIVE and I don't like the thought of someplace so intense that they have to AUDITION. A has been alternating between saying she wants to do it and saying she doesn't want to do it. We will see what tomorrow morning brings…

Sara babysat tonight and Daddy I had dinner with Aidan's parents and Other Aidan's parents. Sara reported that the girls had a long conversation which she heard on the baby monitor, in which A chided M for sucking on her fingers and biting her nails, and M said she knows it's a bad habit but she can't do anything about it.

Oh yeah – after gymnastics we went to the party store to get some stuff for the party.  The girls suggested all kinds of things that they were sure Buppie would want at the party. Some were pretty amusing. We did get some balloons.

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