First Grade

Here are some of the things the girls ave already started learning this year:

The continents, including two songs about the continents

Directions (they have a mnemonic device – Never Eat Shredded Wheat)

How to make change

How to tally numbers (like "III" for 3)

How to tell time on a clock

What a thermometer is

Not a bad start to the year.




Sandra Schrut says:

During our discussion at bath time, they also knew the names of the following geometric shapes: circle, square, rectangle, triangle, AND TRAPEZOID! There may be more, but I didn’t have the definitions.
Grandma Sandy

a says:

I’m so proud of M and A. They are so bright and learn so much so quickly. It must run in the family because they are “smarties” — so like their parents.
Aunt Ann

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