First Grade Preview

The girls' school had an orientation tonight for parents of rising first graders. This is what I learned:

  • Three of the current five first grade teachers are returning, and two will be new.
  • They get about 20 minutes of homework a night.
  • They will do a ton of reading.
  • They won't be sitting around at desks all day, but will be moving around a lot.
  • No snack (!) and no rest period.
  • Music, PE and art once a week, but different teachers for all three.
  • It would be helpful for the teachers if the kids come to school being used to doing chores at home without being asked multiple times. (Um, for me too!)
  • 4 of the 5 first grades have rooms in the same area of the school, but the fifth is in a different area.
  • Different teachers have different discipline systems.

I emailed the girls' current teacher and said that we are separating them next year but would love for them to be in the same general area as each other (in other words, not in the one class that's separated from the other four) so that they can at least see each other during the day.

In all, I am optimistic about first grade – the teachers seemed good and the rooms are very cute.

Yesterday, we were talking about how the girls used to go to Gymboree, and how M loved it but A would always end up fussing by the end. I asked A if she remembered why she was always fussy. She cocked her head to the side and said, "Yeah, I remember that. I know, I was fussy. I think it's because I was confused, you know? Like I didn't know what was going on." (I am sure she has NO recollection of any of this.)

Here are some adorable pictures/journal entries the girls did about why their mom is special. Check out the details on A's – she drew my legs going BEHIND the bed (and therefore not visible), as well as her bedspread and Pandy the Pillow Pet.




Gloria says:

Those drawings are precious! I can’t believe first grade is just on the horizon. 🙂

a says:

Mommy, how wise you are to have M and A in different classrooms in first grade. It might be strange for them at first, but it is a wise choice. I wish them the best of everything. Tell M and A that I congratulate them on graduating to the first grade.
Lots of love,
Aunt Ann

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