First Nutcracker, Photos and Cake

I just watched the girls perform in their first show of the season. They were fantastic! The clowns have so much energy and enthusiasm – it is just a treat to watch them perform. Lots of applause. I volunteered to do clown makeup and got a little training tonight. Here are some pics I took backstage.

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Here are the girls after the show with Maxie (their baby clown) and Olivia O'Donnell, who came to see the show for the fifth year in a row.

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Today we took some family photos for a holiday card at the Jefferson Memorial. Gloria took the photos again. I don't have any to share yet, but here are some pics that I took while we were downtown.





And Daddy and the girls made me a birthday cake, which was delicious! Here is a photo of the cake and the beautiful fondant flowers the girls made.



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Tomorrow I am going to share the gorgeous and birthday cards the girls made for me. I will scan them and post them here. Daddy also got me a wonderful present – a Sonos speaker system so that we can listen to music all over the house from our iTunes library, XM, Spotify, etc. It is a GREAT present!

Daddy is off for the week to Europe. We will miss him!

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