Back to the grind today. M woke up with a slight fever – 100.5 – so she stayed home from school. She had a relaxing day of reading books, watching TV, and waiting to go pick up A at school. When that time came, she went to school with Imogene and got to see her teacher. M learned that her whole class "went on yellow" today during lunch because they were so chatty.
A, meanwhile, had a good day of school, but (upon prompting) missed M.
One of A's favorite activities: making funny faces at herself in the mirror. She can do this for hours.
Tonight we took a vote as to which fancy cupcakes Mommy should try to make for the first meeting of the mother-daughter book club. The options were: crocodile, sunflowers, billiard balls, or aliens. We all voted – each of us got two votes – and sunflowers won. They look like this:
I have no voice, due to a chest cold, and am enjoying not speaking tonight. Aaaah.
Tomorrow I am sure M will go back to school. Happy early new year!
I’m glad to know M is feeling better. Both M and A seem to be doing well in school. I knew they would. I wish all of you a very happy New Year. L’Shanah Tova!
Much love,
Aunt Ann
Just caught up on the blog tonight. Good stuff! Happy new year and hope everyone feels better soon!
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