
I just logged on to Typepad and saw my first comment from Aunt Ann in a very long time. She has had a hip replacement and some other procedures, and she is back online! We have missed her so much and are so glad she's back and reading again. It feels like things are back to normal now. 🙂

Poor A – she woke up at 4AM this morning throwing up. She stayed home today and took it easy. Luckily, she didn't throw up again but her stomach was unsettled all day.

A missed her dentist appointment, and her tooth is still in. M had a good appointment, though. We are definitely looking at a lot of crowding in her mouth, with possible expansion or more extractions. We told Dr. Dana about the Captain and she said that she will have room for new patients in the future!

Busy, busy day… punctuated by checking Gmail every 5 minutes to see if the girls had gotten into Alice in Wonderland. The answer is… they did! Both are going to be Baby Flamingoes in April. Much excitement at home!

The den has been painted blue – same color as our adjoining bathroom. Next comes the built-ins next week.

Hopefully A will be feeling back to normal tomorrow and up to going to school.


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