Florida Day 1

We are safely in Florida. The trip went just fine – the girls were great and very easy. A didn’t cry going through security like she used to, which was a relief. They mostly watched the DVD player on the plane, and had some snacks. M particularly enjoyed taking off – she laughed and laughed as I asked her over and over if we were still on the ground or in the air.

They are very excited to be in Florida. When we got here they took a short, late nap, and then we took a walk around. We have a very nice apartment right on the river and overlooking the pool. We’re also close to the stables. The girls want to go swimming and have a lot of questions about everything. The weather is nicer this time – sunny and pretty warm.

They took a bath tonight in a big shiny jacuzzi bath that was murder on my back. It’s slippery and deep and doesn’t drain. Then we read books on a shiny black leather sofa, which A slipped on a little. "Just like the bathtub!" said M.

Books tonight: D.W. Thinks Big (which was a gift from Christina for being flower girls) and Chicka Chicka Book Boom. A went through all the books I brought tonight, and knew all of their names just from the covers. It’s hard to remember that they don’t read!

I am happy that they are such good travelers. Right now it is 10:07 pm and they are chatting away in their bedroom. We put two twin mattresses from the daybeds on the floor and the girls are in their sleeping bags (circus for M, horses for A).

Tomorrow we’ll take the animal tour again and, if Mommy can stand it, go in the unheated pool.

1 comment

Anonymous says:

It sounds like your Florida trip has been a success. Have fun and enjoy (even the unheated pool).

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