Florida Day 2

What a long, full day!

This morning, we went on an animal tour – almost two hours long. We saw cheetahs, giraffes, horses, rhinceroses (stinky!), ducks, deer, and many other animals. One of the best parts was meeting a 6 month old dog who is being raised as a companion for a 6 month old cheetah. Both were very cute.

After the animal tour, we had lunch and then headed back home to get ready for nap. After the girls woke up, we went swimming for the first time since last summer at the Outer Banks. The girls did great! I *hate* cold water, so we went to the one heated pool. Even then I only went in up to my waist, and the girls splashed all around me with their floating rings. They did really well. Both of them had chattering teeth after about 45 minutes, and despite their protests that they weren’t cold, I managed to convince them to get in the hot tub with me. (All the other kids were gone by then). We played a nice long game of Opposites while in the hot tub.

Bath, then home, then back to the main house for dinner. Then the girls watched Little Einsteins with a bunch of other kids. And now we’re home. Daddy has joined us for the first time today, so he’s supervising bedtime and I am doing the blog. Whew!

I suspect M is either tired today or skating the edge of a cold because she’s been a little cranky at times. A has been sunny. There have been a few squabbles over silly things like who gets to go first, who "won" (meaning who reached our destination first, etc.) but in general they have been getting along great.

The girls were SO excited to go swimming today. A kept singing about swimming, being in the pool, etc. She was singing the entire time she was in the pool. Right now, she has her pajamas on and the swimming ring. She keeps talking about how she is going in the swimming pool. It’s 8:42 PM.

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