Flu Mist, Play, and Wii

This morning, I took the girls for their second round of H1N1 flu shots. Afterwards, we waited for the doctor's office to work us into the schedule so that we could get M's urine re-tested to make sure that the UTI is all gone. We waited for a while, and we all got antsy – the girls eager to get to school, and me eager to get to work, this being my first real week of work. At one point, A said, "When do we get to see the doctor? Never!" It made me laugh. Grandma Sandy will be happy to hear that I borrowed an old trick from my childhood – I gave the girls pens and let them draw on the paper they pull over the examining table. It worked! They were totally entertained, once they were sufficiently reassured that we weren't going to get in trouble for doing it.

After work, I got home and the girls were in the tub, putting on a play for Imogene. They said they were at the third intermission. Here were the roles: A was playing the role of child, troll, fairy, birthday girl, and guest, and M was playing the role of mommy, king and fairy. I'm still waiting on the plot.

Tonight I set up the Wii FIt Plus that I got from Nintendo a few weeks ago. It took a while to set it up, and the girls played a few games (hula hooping, flying) before we changed to the Wii Sports disc and they bowled. M said, "That was SO much fun!"

1 comment

a says:

Thank you for sharing with “us” what has been happening with M and A and with Mommy too. The girls seem to adjust to every situation, with Mommy’s help. Mommy, where do you get all the patience and know-how. I’m so proud of all of you.
Aunt Ann

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