Eats, Shots and Leaves

The girls had flu shots this morning. M was stoic and didn’t cry at all; A tried bargaining and stalling ("Mommy, you have a shot first." "No, do it here. No, here. Wait, no here.") but in the end she had her shot too and cried for a while. But two pieces of Halloween candy each afterwards helped. Thank you to Buppie for providing moral support.

Today, we also did some sweeping of the beautiful yellow maple leaves that are falling on our sidewalk. And I took the girls out to dinner at the pizza place and they had ice cream afterwards.

Photos will capture the day better than I can:

Leaves1_2 Leaves2


Pp Pp2

Pp4 Pp3

1 comment

Anonymous says:

Your girls did a great job, both with getting flu shots and sweeping the leaves. So adorable and beautiful, as always.

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