Fool Me Once, Shame on You. Fool Me Twice…

DId I mention that I am a sucker?

The girls are back in my bed. Yep. They swore up and down tonight that they would be quiet, that they wouldn’t fuss, that they wouldn’t call for me. So far, they’ve been *OK*. Not great. They both just went potty again, over an hour after I put them down initially. There’s lots of giggling up there, but I’ve only gone upstairs twice. I consider that a minor victory. If they aren’t asleep in 15 minutes then it’s back to the tobbler beds.

M said something so funny, so astute, so blogworthy, this morning, that I swore I was going to remember it for the blog. I have completely forgotten what it was.

Books tonight: Hanukkah! and Aligator Arrived with Apples, both of which were gifts from Grandma Dina and Grandpa Ron. Grandma Dina has an excellent instinct for picking out books that the girls love.

We lit the second night candles tonight for Hanukah. Daddy is still out of town. I had a no-presents-until-Daddy-comes-back rule, but I broke it tonight. We had a few inches of snow today, and I figured that they needed to open these particular presents tonight. (I bought them yesterday – how lucky!) Here they are:



Aunt Darrah says:

I love the boots! Very hip camo pattern! Just fyi, I shipped my little gifts to the girls and they just arrived at your house. They are to psych them up about their impending visit to NYC! (And to teach them all about where D&J live 🙂

Anonymous says:

I can’t tell you how much I enjoy your blogs. They make me feel as though I were there with you and M and A. Although I had my children the easy way, one at a time, many things I read in your blogs remind me of when my children (and I) were young. I feel as you do about the importance of reading books every night, truthfulness and about teaching children respect and consideration.
By the way, I love the boots you bought for M and A.
Old Aunt Ann

Dina says:

Hi Gayle,
Thanks so much for the comments about the books you read to the girls last night. I’m thrilled that they like them so much — especially the new one about the alligators, etc. etc. — which I was hoping they would find enjoyable! Can’t wait to see the girls and all of you this weekend (with more books!)

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