Freakin’ Snow

Today, I was driving the girls to school and navigating the narrow streets that are down to one lane due to snow pileups. After I backed up a few times to let oncoming cars pass by, M said, out of the blue, "I am SO SICK of the FREAKIN' snow!" I started laughing, and said, "M, where did you come up with that?" She said she learned it from me. Then she said, "Well, I don't always know what to say, so I have to say what you say."

Girls had their first day back to school in 10 days. We are happy to have them back at school!

I scanned some of M's artwork today, but it didn't all come out, so I will rescan and post tomorrow.

Oh – Daddy told me that their teacher told A that she deserved a Golden L (an award that students receive for helping others and behaving well) because she comforted M during a movie about Abraham Lincoln. M was very scared because she knew Lincoln was going to be shot.  I will be very proud if A gets a Golden L, though I wish M could get one too because it has been her main goal in life since the first day of school.

1 comment

a says:

My “freakin” wrist is keeping me from writing very much. However, I congratulate A on receiving the Golden L award. M and A must be happy to return to school. Please give them a BIG hug and kiss from me.
Aunt Ann

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