
It’s Friday. Not too much to report today. We are child-care free for the next 12 days, so I am sure there will be a lot of good stories coming up. M is feeling better today, but not 100%. A seems to be fine and I am counting the hours until the antibiotic is out of her system. Tomorrow is the big day: The Nutcracker. We’re all excited about it, especially A, who jumps up and down whenever we talk about it and keeps asking us to calculate how many days until we go.

Today, M said she needed to "sneeze her nose" instead of "blow her nose." So cute.

The girls have been spending a lot of time in the house because of illness and it being too cold to play outside. They are turning into remarkably good playmates. How do people who don’t have twins do this? What would these two do without each other to play with all day long?

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