Friday Babysitter

Tonight, we had a babysitter – Abby, who is home from college for a week. The girls were very excited that she was coming over. She always brings fun things to do with the girls – tonight, she brought ingredients for homemade play-doh. She said that they had a lot of fun making the play-doh, and that A made a family of snakes and M used the play-doh to cover the letters on her placemat.

When we got home tonight, Abby said, "I’ve been babysitting for 8 years, and this was the easiest babysitting job I have ever had." (And that included giving them dinner (which I made) and a bath). She said that after she put them down, she listened on the monitor, and A said, "I love you, M." and M said, "I love you, A."

A told me today that she likes having babysitters. I said, "Yes, it’s fun sometimes to have someone different from Mommy, right?" She agreed. Then M said, "Yeah, we have you all the time."

The girls are still coming up with a lot of rhymes. When they suggest a rhyming pair with a nonsense word, like "paper" and "maper", we say, "What’s a maper?" Today at lunch, they were doing rhymes, and M said, "How about juice and pooce?" I heard A say to her, "What’s a pooce?"

Daddy wants me to include this story: a few days ago, he was talking about pajamas, and said that some people call them "PJs". M said, "do you know how to spell PJs? It’s P-J-J-J-J-J-J." Daddy said, "Why?", and she said, "Because it’s P with a bunch of Js."

The girls are giving lots and lots of hugs and kisses.

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